Batteries in the machine are what far too many people have become.
Seduced by advertisements and acting like sheep. Buy this product, it will
improve your life, go to this destination for a fortnight, all you have to do
is work your life away to afford it. I remember someone pointing out the 40 40
40 concept and it scared the living daylights out of me. You work 40 hours a
week for 40 years then at the end of it you get a 40% pay cut. That was of
course before the Gordon Brown decided to plunder the pension pot to profligate
his social engineering projects. That 40% pay cut is more likely to be in the
region of 60% even less if successive governments steal even more. While Rome is
in flames around us the sheeple watch reality television and discuss it with
equally limp minded individuals over coffees that cost more than some people
earn in a month. The greatest social engineering experiment is still underway
and as an observer it both saddens and sickens me that the population is
letting it happen.
Day in, day out the television pours out propaganda and
politicians from the two horse race system move in their pre programmed, media
trained robotic manner. Watch them closely and you will see their body language
and hand gestures are so similar they could be clones wearing masks. Any right
thinking person who has enough space left in their heads after the onslaught of
modern consumer life should be able to spot these traits. It reminds me of the
book Invasion of the body snatchers only these are not aliens they are self
serving traitors to the people they are supposed to serve. Think about that
last word for a moment. They are supposedly our servants. We vote for them on
the premise that they are going to act in our best interests. To paraphrase the
Pink Floyd song “In the flesh” I have some bad news for you sunshine, honesty isn’t
well it stayed back at the hotel.
Thinking back to the dying days of Lady Thatchers government I remember the changes in the Labour party, rebranding to disassociate it from its shambolic association with the unions. The promises that were broken as soon as power was wrested from the previous government, it occurred to me right there that the new boss was exactly the same as the old boss and I voted them in, to my eternal shame. Life should be a collection of experiences that lead to improvement, so how is it that so many people can be dullards clinging to the hope that the next time their party wins it will somehow improve their own lives? Especially when all of the available evidence points to the contrary.
Thinking back to the dying days of Lady Thatchers government I remember the changes in the Labour party, rebranding to disassociate it from its shambolic association with the unions. The promises that were broken as soon as power was wrested from the previous government, it occurred to me right there that the new boss was exactly the same as the old boss and I voted them in, to my eternal shame. Life should be a collection of experiences that lead to improvement, so how is it that so many people can be dullards clinging to the hope that the next time their party wins it will somehow improve their own lives? Especially when all of the available evidence points to the contrary.
I have friends that are to all intents and purposes intelligent
people. So it surprises me incalculably when I see them resorting to insulting
other people for looking at alternatives to the established system. I find it
even more puzzling when I hear that people choose not to vote at all. The vote
is the only thing that a person can do, legally, to bring about change. Some of
these friends claim to be anarchic types who hate the system and want to see it
fall. They don’t vote at all so presumably they expect things to change all by
themselves. Or perhaps they believe that the major parties will suddenly
undergo a radical change that involves keeping promises. Either way they are
delusional. For any type of revolution people need to actually act in one way
or another.
So here it is in a nutshell. A general election is coming and for
the first time in living memory there is a chance to revolutionise the
political landscape in the UK. I make no bones about the fact that my X will go
firmly in the UKIP box, even from over here in Mexico and I know that some of
my friends will roll their eyes and think I am some kind of Nazi so let me make
a few things clear.
Back when the issue of uncontrolled immigration first made the headlines there was a marked rise in support of the British National Party. So much so that the powers that be got rattled and the media went into overdrive to decry a legitimate political party. Headlines and references calling them Nazis were the order of the day and the professional politicians started to talk a good fight promising to deal with the issue. The quandary is that Great British sheeple believed the media and the outright lies that masqueraded as promises from the establishment. Note that I called the British National Party legitimate, because it is just that. Could you imagine a media outlet using tactics like those against the two main parties, of course not. The spectre of the BNP faded and those tough promises from the other political parties faded away into the ether.
Back when the issue of uncontrolled immigration first made the headlines there was a marked rise in support of the British National Party. So much so that the powers that be got rattled and the media went into overdrive to decry a legitimate political party. Headlines and references calling them Nazis were the order of the day and the professional politicians started to talk a good fight promising to deal with the issue. The quandary is that Great British sheeple believed the media and the outright lies that masqueraded as promises from the establishment. Note that I called the British National Party legitimate, because it is just that. Could you imagine a media outlet using tactics like those against the two main parties, of course not. The spectre of the BNP faded and those tough promises from the other political parties faded away into the ether.
As the old saying goes, today’s news is tomorrows chip wrappers.
Though nowadays using newspaper to wrap is banned by health and safety
regulations. I never did hear of death by newspaper poisoning but then again they
insist that roofers wear hard hats, presumably to protect them from the risk of
the sky falling on them. I digress.
As the election draws nearer the media will once again turn its
attention to the threat on the status quo. The only difference will be the
acronym in the headlines, UKIP will be the target and all sorts of scare
tactics will be employed to ensure that they do not wrest any control from the
establishment. The dullards stuck in their dogmatic beliefs that their chosen
party will improve their lives will carry on regardless but with any luck when
the dust settles the political landscape will be a much healthier one.
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